(3/10) The year 2010 in Adams County will be remembered for record snow storms, back to back, with a total of four (4) feet in one week. The county fared well with no major problems occurring. Thanks to our Director of Emergency Services, John Eline, and his staff for a job well done.
Adams County residents will be hearing the term 'Census 2010'. A complete Count Committee as been formed in Adams County by the Commissioners. Vickie Corbett and Darlene Brown have accepted Co-Chair persons of the committee. Census questionnaires are going to be mailed or delivered to households in February and March. The individual in
whose name the housing unit is owned or rented should complete the questionnaire on behalf of every person living in the residence, including relatives and non-relatives. The Census day or Count day is April 1, 2010…It is important to complete the Census form, which consist of 10 questions, for many reasons. If the form is not returned Census takers will visit
households that did not return a questionnaire by mail
Residents may ask why it is so important to be counted. Well, it is the law and the United States Constitution requires a national census count once every 10 years. The Census data determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives. Census data also can help determine the allocation of federal funds for
community services, such as school lunch programs and senior citizen centers. Let's look at federal funding - for every person not counted in this year's census, the local government loses $1,300 to $1,500 per year in federal funding, or $13,000 to $15,000 per person until the next count. Every dollar lost from federal funding is made up from local TAX dollars. If
you have any questions or concerns, please call the Commissioners at 717-337-9820 or you can visit the website at www.census.gov/2010census.
The Commissioners are continuing to explore up-grading the radio system. We are taking time to evaluate the need during this process. The goal is to develop a system as good as or better than what we have now. There is a committee helping to develop the system and the needs of all emergency and law enforcement agencies. The county will be
taking its time to explore all the options, including tower sites.
The Adams County Board of Commissioners in 2007 approved the Adams County Green Space Program Guidelines and invite participation by eligible entities to partner with the County to preserve lands in Adams County that include agricultural open space recreational and park lands.
The program provides financial assistance to municipalities and not for profit organizations to partner with the county to protect lands in the county. Projects have a match of 50% or greater to be eligible. In 2008 and 2009 a total of one (1) million dollars was allocated to the program with a match of 2.6 millions dollars provided by
local municipalities, state or federal funds. A total of 750 acres were preserved by this program in 2008 and 2009. Applications are now being reviewed for the year 2010. This does not include the acreage preserved by the Agland Preservation Program in the county.
The Gladfelter Tree Farm, number 1, a property located in western Adams County exceeding 2,500 acres in size, and containing head waters of numerous regional streams, exceptional wildlife habitat and forest land, was for sale in mid 2007. In March 2008, "The Conservation Fund", purchased the property from Gladfelter Pulpwood Company for
$12.5 million dollars until funding could be generated to recoup their purchase cost. Funding, now in place, generated by Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and National Resources (DCNR), the Richard King, Mellon Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, County of Adams, a group of five (5) southwest county municipalities and private trusts and
individuals, making the final transfer on February 26, 2010 to DCNR and to be managed by the State Bureau of Forestry as an addition to Michaux State Forest for public recreation and Water Shed Protection.
As mentioned in my last article, the county maintenance personal were making renovations for the 4th Court Room. This project was complete on schedule. The Commissioners are pleased with the end results and the performance of the maintenance Director and staff for undertaking this project. The energy saving project is well underway at Green
Acres Nursing Home, Courthouse and District Magistrate Carr's building. The project is about 80% complete. The cost saving on energy will pay for the improvements over the next 15 years.
This has been a winter to remember but before you know it the snow will be gone and lawns will be green, snow blowers in storage and lawn mowers will be humming.
Read other articles from Adams County Commissioners