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From the Desk of
County Councilman Brad Young

(8/2024) The Frederick County Council meets regularly on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 at Winchester Hall, located at 12 East Church Street in downtown Frederick. All meetings are open to the public, and we welcome participation. The Council is currently on summer recess. The next Council meeting will be Tuesday, August 20.

On July 16, the Council passed Bill 24-10 by 7-0 vote. This bill, sponsored by Council Member M.C. Keegan-Ayer, provides new design criteria for Commercial Solar Facilities in the Agricultural Zoning District. Amended Bill 24-09, sponsored by Council Member Mason Carter, was withdrawn on July 23. The full text of our bills can be found on our website and are also linked to each corresponding agenda.

The Council has two bills that will advance through our legislative process after the summer recess. Bill 24-11, sponsored by Renee Knapp on behalf of the County Executive, Establishes a Historic Preservation Tax Credit. Bill 24-12, sponsored by Council Member Steve McKay, creates a new section in Frederick County Code that defines the conditions upon which a temporary residential growth moratorium may be declared, as well as the conditions upon which such moratorium would end. Both of these bills are scheduled for a public hearing on August 27, 2024, at 7pm. We welcome public participation at all public hearings. For the most up to date agendas and bill schedules, please visit our website.

On a final note, there is great concern regarding the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project and the impact it may have on the community. Recently the Council became aware of a proposed large-scale power line project and has been reviewing the details alongside with the public.

As this project moves through the process the Council will closely follow and monitor this state project. We also strongly encourage the public to diligently review and participate in the process.

I want to share with everyone the following links for information on the project as well as ways to make the citizens voices heard.

The Frederick County Council encourages public involvement at every stage of the legislative process. We welcome public comment at every Council meeting on Tuesday evenings. Members of the public are welcome to attend and give comment in person, leave a voicemail to be forwarded to each Council Member, or email us any time at P

lease visit our website at to view our latest agendas, legislation, and upcoming calendar of events.

As a reminder, the Council will be taking its summer recess in the coming weeks and will not be meeting on July 30, August 6, or August 13.

And as always, if there is ever anything I can do for you, please feel free to reach out to me and my office. You can contact me via email at:, or you can call my office at 301-600-1108.

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