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Community Pool Renovation in the works

Danielle Ryan

(11/22) During the November 7 Emmitsburg Town meeting, the Board discussed the upcoming renovation for the community pool.

Moat residents who have used the pool this past season could attest to the fact that the community pool has been in need of a major overhaul, as the main pool has been sustaining a leak for several years, and in general the pool area needs some rehab. Earlier this fall, the town received a grant in the amount of $217,000 specifically for the renovation of the community pool, which was very exciting news.

In September, the town opened the project up for bid, but only two contractor’s bids were received. After reviewing both bids, the town recommended the Board to approve the Make N Waves Inc. contract, which made a bid of $123,000 for the entirety of the project. This contract included the replacement of the pool ladders, steps, umbrellas, lifeguard station, removing and replacing the caulking for the deck, the replacement of the tile on the inside of the pool, re-plastering the interior of the pool and the installation of a new pool pump (as the current pump is not running at maximum capacity).

The unknown cost at the moment is the cost of the replacement/fixture of the leak itself. Town staff is unaware of where the leak officially is, so the first order of business will be to run a pressure test to locate the site of the leak. After the leak is located and the cost is determined for the replacement of the piping or fixing of the piping, the town can look to the next step to put the remaining grant money out to bid. The remaining amount will be put towards the repair of the bathhouse.

Make N Waves Inc. has built a large number of commercial pools and their cost never exceeded their budget. The other company would not have, in essence, built a "brand new" pool, but would have constructed more of a "piece meal" of sorts. Town Manager Cathy Willets is confident that this company will be able to get the project completed well within budget and prior to June 1 so the residents of Emmitsburg will be able to enjoy the full extent of the summer pool season.

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