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Virus shuts down the Mount,
students advised to leave

(2/13) One area university is going to on-line classes as a result of reports in Maryland of the occurrence of coronavirus and asking resident students to leave. As of March 12, some dozen cases of the virus have been reported in Maryland.

Mount St. Mary's University had previously announced on the institution's website on March 4, "In response to an emerging and rapidly developing outbreak of a 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Mount St. Mary’s University is taking proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of our community."

In a March 11 statement, the university posted, "Acting with an abundance of concern for the health and well-being of our community, the university’s leadership team has decided to suspend face-to-face instruction at our Emmitsburg and Frederick campuses and transition to remote instruction, effective at the end of today (March 11) until Monday, March 30."

The Mount's statement further instructed that students residing on-campus were "strongly encouraged to leave campus by Saturday, March 14, unless approved to remain.," further noting, "We recognize that there are a variety of life or logistical circumstances that may make this expectation challenging," and advised students to remove needed course materials, valuables and medication.

In addition, the university posted, "Co-curricular events, and outside group visits to campus will be canceled or postponed from Friday, March 13, through Sunday, March 29... Restoration of campus operations to normal is currently anticipated to be March 30. "

The Mount has an enrollment of 1,815 undergraduate students and 351 graduate students. Of the 2,166 totals, 1723 are attend the Mount campus, while 443 take classes at the Frederick campus, according to Donna Klinger, the Mount’s director of Public Relations and Communications.

Klinger said, normally 1723 students reside on campus. "About 250 are expected to remain," some being those who would not otherwise have access to the internet in order to take on0line classes. The university require those wishing to remain to apply for permission.

As to possible reimbursement to resident student unable to remain on campus, the director stated, "At this time we are deferring decisions related to room and board fees for the spring semester in order to more adequately assess the impact of the pandemic on our ability to resume face-to-face instruction in April as planned."

Resident students pay for room and board from $12,830 to $13,330 (which includes housing from$6,500 to $6,780, and meals from $6,330 to $6,550).

The university further noted, as of March 11, "There currently are no cases of COVID-19 on our campuses or in Frederick County."

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