(4/15) Strawberry Hill Nature Preserve will offer a four-part series of classes this summer for adults who want to increase their knowledge of the natural environment in Adams County.
Each session will focus on a different aspect of Strawberry Hill's environmental education programming. Interested participants may take part in as many sessions as they like. Those who complete the full series will be eligible to teach as naturalists at Strawberry Hill.
"We've always been really good at teaching kids about the environment here at Strawberry Hill," says Strawberry Hill Programs Coordinator Joe Hallinan. "But we've known for a long time from talking with parents that there's a great deal of interest among adults in learning more about the natural world here in Adams County,
so we put together a pretty comprehensive program to address that interest. We also wanted to teach adults how to teach others about the environment, so our programs will include a thorough discussion of environmental education methods."
Professional naturalists, volunteers, teachers and informal science educators will find these programs particularly useful as they are designed to meet the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Academic Standards for Environment and Ecology.
The classes will be held at Strawberry Hill and at Carroll Valley Park. Each session will meet from 6:30 to 8:00 P.M. The first session will meet July 8 and will discuss biodiversity in the South Mountain region. The second, scheduled for July 22, will cover the basics of birding. The third, to be held August 5, will
discuss natural adaptations and the environment. The final session will meet August 26 and will explore pond and stream life.
No experience or background in environmental education is necessary for participation in the program. The cost for each session is $5 for Strawberry Hill members and $8 for nonmembers. Pre-registration is requested by the day before each session.
For more information at Strawberry Hill Nature Preserve's adult naturalist classes, please contact Strawberry Hill at (717) 642-5840 or email joe@strawberryhill.org.
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