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Highland looking at potential development

Ashley Andyshak Hayes

(1/11/2012) A 61-home development proposal may come before Highland Township supervisors this spring, according to information discussed at the January 10 township meeting.

Knoxlyn Enterprises, LLC, is proposing to build the homes on 244 acres bordered by Knoxlyn and Knoxlyn-Orrtanna roads and Thompson Lane.

The two land parcels involved are owned by Eugene Farrell and Patrick Farrell.

The development would include 11 estate lots and 50 clustered residential lots, which would front on a new road.

The land in question had been designated for agricultural use by the county. Knoxlyn Enterprises previously applied to have the land designated for residential use, and their request was approved by the township in June 2011.

Township Secretary/Treasurer Alicia Birckhead said that a Knoxlyn Enterprises representative has asked to have the proposal placed on the supervisors' March agenda.

Complete proposals must be submitted to the township at least 35 days prior to a township meeting in order to be placed on that meeting’s agenda, she said, so March is the earliest that supervisors could officially consider Knoxlyn’s proposal.

Knoxlyn Enterprises is headed by Jeffrey Kozero.

In 2006, under the auspices of Empire Homes, Kozero proposed a 279-home development for the same parcels of land. That proposal sparked backlash from citizens who were against a major housing development in the rural township, and was a factor in the then-unzoned township’s request to enact the county’s zoning plan.

The Empire Homes proposal was ultimately not approved because the state Department of Environmental Protection did not approve the development’s sewer plans.

In other business, supervisors approved the following donations to local nonprofit organizations: $250 to the Adams County Transit Authority; $250 to the Adams County Office For Aging; and $5,958 each to the Cashtown, Gettysburg, and Fairfield fire departments.

The fire department contributions include a regular $2,500 donation to each department complemented by the admission tax revenue from this past summer’s Bike Week activities, which were hosted by Granite Hill Campground in the township.

Supervisors also considered a request by Community Media, formerly Adams County Television, for a donation of six percent of the town's cable franchise fee, equaling $420. The board declined to make a decision regarding the donation.

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