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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(12/2020) On Tuesday, November 13th, the Borough Council met and approved the advertisement of the proposed 2021 Budget. This action made the proposed 2021 Budget available for residents’ review before its final adoption at the December 15th Council meeting.

The 2021 Budget is the end-product of a three-step review process occurring over three months. The first review was performed by the Borough Manager when analyzing the Borough Department submissions. The second review was performed by the Finance Committee. The third review was performed by the Borough Council during their Budget Workshop on October 20th.

The tentative 2021 budget is based on a millage rate of 2.45 mills that is 24.5 cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, which means there will be no Carroll Valley Borough tax increase for 2021. The Borough, County, and Fire Taxes are remaining at the same level as last year. The distribution of the total tax paid approximately breaks down as follows: Carroll Valley is 13.77%, Fire Tax is 1.41%, Adams County is 23.55% and Fairfield School District is 61.21%.

The proposed budget can be reviewed at the Borough Office or go to for the online version. I recommend you read the 2021 Budget Message. At the beginning of the budget prepared by the Borough Manager which explains while prices have risen over the years our local borough real estate property tax has held the same since 2012. However, this year’s 2020 budget had a shortfall of approximately $200,000 that the Borough Council had to take action to balance the budget, thus no tax increase. The next meeting of the Council will be held on December 15th to review any comments made by the public based on their review of the advertised 2021 budget.

The Carroll Valley Community October 14th Blood Drive resulted in 23 residents donating 20 pints of blood which is projected to save 60 local lives as reported by the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank. The next Blood Drive is scheduled for December 30th, Monday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. COVID-19 Antibody testing will be available with each successful blood donation. As a thank you, everyone will receive a free Blood Donor t-shirt. It is strongly suggested you schedule an appointment by calling 800-771-0059; however, walk-ins are welcome. Naturally, donors with appointments will be taken first. Remember a form of ID is required as well as wearing a mask. If you are not wearing a mask, a mask will be provided.

Thanksgiving is behind us and now on to December. The start of winter, also known as the "winter solstice," is December 21st (Monday). This is the shortest day of the year. Hanukkah begins on Thursday evening, December 10th, and continues through Friday, December 18th. National Chocolate Covered Anything Day is celebrated on December 16th. Had to include this one for those chocolate lovers (me, me, me) who need an excuse to have a piece of you know what. Christmas is on Friday, December 25th and the first day of Kwanzaa falls on December 26th and ends January 1, 2021.

During December, there are several activities you may want to tune into on the Carroll Valley Library’s Facebook page. A virtual Yoga class will be held on December 3rd and every Friday, there will be a Storytime presented by our KPets friends, Bonnie and Danny. You also might be interested to learn about the Carroll Valley Borough Park Riparian Buffer. If so, you will find the video on the library’s YouTube channel under "home" and then "Videos". The presentation is given by Joe Hallinan, Watershed Specialist, Adams County Conservation District.

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic the annual Fairfield Fire House Breakfast with Santa event has been canceled. Please consider donating a toy to a child of a family in need – Toys for Tots. There is a Toys for Tots box in the Borough’s lobby. The Foundation is looking for toys to be given to children in the age range from infant to 14 years old. Those families interested in receiving a toy(s) for their child or children need to go online to If you have questions, contact our area Toys for Tots coordinator Richard Bradley at 717-676-0628. I would like to extend my thanks to all those who do decide to donate. Your thoughtfulness is a gift in itself that will be cherished by the child who opens up your present.

I applaud Chief Richard Hileman II of the Carroll Valley Police Department on his initiative to seek out and successfully partner with the Rite Aid Foundation’s KidCents Safe Medication Disposal Program to acquire a free stainless steel locked medication disposal unit for Carroll Valley that can be used by the community to safely dispose of the unused and/or expired medication safely throughout the year. Let’s get these unused medicines that are not helping anyone but represent a danger or temptation to others disposed of in a safe matter. As the Chief said, bring them to the Borough. We cannot accept illegal drugs or paraphernalia, lotions or liquids, inhalers, aerosol cans, needles, thermometers, and hydrogen peroxide. Drop-offs will remain anonymous. The department does not collect any information from the individual dropping off the medications.

On November 24th Governor Tom Wolf signed the third renewal of his 90-day Proclamation of Disaster Emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic. The first proclamation was signed eight months ago on March 6th, following the announcement of the first two presumptive positive cases of the virus in Pennsylvania. As of November 25th, on the website, it was reported 94 confirmed cases have been documented in the Fairfield zip code area, which includes five municipalities: Carroll Valley, Fairfield, Freedom, Hamiltonban, and Liberty.

Bottom line, COVID-19 does not care about your political ideology or how you celebrate the holidays. Being careful during this timeframe is ‘key’! The determining factor is analyzing the level of risk you and those around you are prepared to accept. You know what is best for yourself and your family. Whatever way you decide to go "wear a mask, keep well! Remember neighbor, you and your family are important to all of us. Happy Holidays!

If I can be of help, please contact me at 301-606-2021 or email me at For the New Year 2021, I end with a quote from an old crooner of mine, Frank Sinatra "the best is yet to come!"

Wish you all well!

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