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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(8/2021) Wow! The Carroll Valley July 4th Celebration was such a success, with over 5,000 in attendance. The Reagan Years band entertainment was outstanding. This band recreated the sounds of the 1980s. The band’s talented musicians with remarkably diverse vocal abilities enabled this band to replicate uncanny versions of the pop, rock, and new wave hits of the MTV era. Also, what was great – everyone respected each other’s space. The celebration ended with Cassie Hock giving an emotional rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner, followed by a spectacular fireworks display on top of Ski Liberty Mountain. Many people were involved, namely the Borough Staff, Dave Hazlett, Gayle Marthers, Amanda Bell, the Borough’s Municipal Services crew, the Council and Recreation Committee. Thank you all. To see the pictures, go to

The July E-Waste Recycling was held in Carroll Valley Borough. Sixty-seven cars participated. The breakdown stats are Carroll Valley Borough – 32; Fairfield Borough – 12 Hamiltonban; Township -7; Highland Township - 5; Liberty Township – 11. Thanks to Brad Sanders and Zack Miller from the Carroll Valley Municipal Services crew, who helped residents transfer their electronic gear to the collection vans. This program is working. We see fewer electronics being deposited on empty lots and roadside trails. Thank you all involved.

Speaking about a successful program, Adults and children have been attending and enjoying the Carroll Valley Summer Movies in the Park in large numbers. The next Movie in the Park will be held on Friday, August 20th at 7:30 pm. The name of the film is "Scoob." The movie follows the friendship of a group of teenagers and a talking dog who solve mysteries—fun for the entire family. Don’t forget those lawn chairs. Hope to see you there.

The Carroll Valley Library August virtual programs are Kindergarten Here I Come! Fairfield Elementary Edition, Wednesday, August 11th, 6:30 pm – Fairfield Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Hazlett, reads a story on Carroll Valley Library’s Facebook page; Yoga, Monday, August 16th, 11 am – Join Alison from Vata Yoga Studio for some online yoga on the Carroll Valley Library’s Facebook page; Hanging Rainbow Heart Sign Craft Monday, August 23, 2 pm – Make a colorful hanging rainbow heart sign craft! Pick up supplies at the Library and How to Draw Fun Characters, Monday, August 30th 2:30 pm – Learn how to draw fun cartoon characters! Pick up a booklet at the library. Fairfield Neighbors Helping Neighbors are planning an August 14th Community Day starting 8:00 am for residents that live in the Fairfield Area School District. If you need minor exterior repairs such as light carpentry, limited painting, yard work, or other jobs you need help with, please contact Robin @ 717-642-6578 or email You must supply the necessary material to make the repair for the project. Requests will be reviewed to make sure manpower is available to do the project. First come, first serve basis.

Congratulations to three young men, Anton Mackey, Ross Clements, and Ethan Collins for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout by completing their Eagle Scout projects. Anton completed his Eagle Scout project by removing a very large BBQ pit and building a structure in its place to store fire equipment for Greenmount Fire Company. Ross Clements’ project was to design and build a large pavilion for Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association in Fairfield. Ethan Collins’ project involved painting the entire Greenmount Fire Company truck bay and the turn-out meeting room. These projects were large in their scale and involved a significant number of hours and hard work. Again, Congratulations Eagles – Job Well Done!

Please be careful when out and doing yard work. Remember that heat stroke can be fatal and requires immediate medical attention. The symptoms for heat stroke are (1) hot dry skin or profuse sweating, (2) confusion or disorientation (3) slurred speech (4) seizures or convulsions, (5) throbbing headache and (6) a very high body temperature over 1040. If experiencing one or more then these symptoms, call 911, move the person to a cool, shaded place, apply cool compresses and wet the person’s clothing with water and fan wit a towel. Do not give them anything to drink – it could pose a choking hazard in their altered mental state and wait for medical assistance.

August is usually the month that many of us go on vacation. But please do not overlook making sure your home is safe when you are away. There are several things you should consider doing to protect your home. According to the FBI, more than half of home burglaries happen during the day. Here are a few tips: (1) Lock your doors and windows if you leave your house; (2) Do not share the details of your vacation with everyone and especially on social media, like Facebook when you are on vacation – remember, if you are there, I know where you are not; (3) Make the house look as if someone is home by using light timers throughout the house; (4) Go to the Post Office and delay mail delivery; (5) Contract with a security company and when selecting one, checkout their references by going to; and (6) Contact the Carroll Valley Police Department to be placed on their house checklist. And, by the way, have a great, safe, and relaxing vacation.

In person Borough meetings for August are Planning Commission (Aug 3rd), Borough Council (Aug 10th) and the Parks and Recreation Committee (Aug 25th). If you have any questions, call me at 301-606-2021 or email me at

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