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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(9/2024) We want to welcome our new Liberty Township Supervisor Chris Hill. Chris was appointed during our July meeting, but officially served at his first meeting in August. At the August meeting, the Board hired two part-time police officers. We look forward to John Harvey and Ryan Morris joining our Police Department. Kudos to Terry DeWitt for his continued work leading the police department as Officer in Charge. He is making progress in recruitment efforts to rebuild our police force as well as streamlining day-to-day operations. In addition, CPR training has been scheduled for our Police Department and Road Department.

I would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we worked on Bullfrog Road to replace thirteen pipes and complete the full depth reclamation project on 2400 feet of roadway. I apologize for any interruptions that the necessary road closures may have caused. The Township replaced old concrete pipes with new larger black corrugated plastic pipes that will last for many years allowing better stormwater runoff. Reclaiming the entire length of Bullfrog Road to bring it up to standard will take place in phases over the next few years. The road will be set with porcelain mix and then must sit for five days without use by heavy or large vehicles. It is like replacing your driveway or walkway and not being able to walk or drive on it for a few days. We were able to complete ditching work along Bullfrog Road prior to the full depth reclamation. Stormwater management and ditching are both a priority for the Road Department. Additionally, back up shoulder work and line painting will be performed this month on Bullfrog Road. The Road Department will be completing base repairs and blacktop work on other Township roads.

Be mindful of Bruce Pecher out mowing along Township roads. As we continue our work along the roadways, cutting back brush, and things of that nature, be aware that the Township has a minimum of a 33ft right of way and up to a 125ft right of way from the center of the road according to the PA Second Class Township Code Article XXIII, Section 2306. When working on Township roads, we do take your property into consideration and do not use more of the right of way than is necessary. If we need to go further onto a property, we contact the property owners and notify them. If you have any questions regarding this, contact me directly.

Make sure to pay your municipal and county taxes before December 31 as they are now in the penalty phase and will go to collections at the end of the year. Your Fairfield Area School District taxes must be paid by October 31 to avoid penalties. You can make an appointment with the tax collector to pay your bill, drop it in the drop box at the Township Building, or submit your payment by mail.

Students are back in school as of August 21, so you will see school buses out and about. Please be cautious and alert when they turn their ambers or yellow lights on to pick up or drop off children. The kids are not always paying attention and sometimes may step out when vehicles are still coming. Be aware that children are crossing the street in front and behind the bus. Do not run those red lights on buses. You must stay stopped until they turn off and the bus has started to move forward.

Some local events that are happening in September include the 50th Founder’s Day Celebration at the Carroll Valley Borough Office and Park. This event will take place on September 22 from 1:30-4:30 with live music, food trucks including the Lucky Truck, the Mexican Food Truck, Crazy Dave’s Pizza, and Sarah’s Creamery. Also in September is Pippinfest in Fairfield, this year it will take place on September 28 and 29. Go out and support local events and vendors! I hope everyone has a safe and fun start to the school year.

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