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GVAA Cheer seeks fundraising opportunities

(8/25) At the August Parks Commission meeting, Erin Rethemeyer, treasurer for the Glade Valley Athletics Association (GVAA) ‘Cheer’ Board, presented the concept of placing a fundraising shed to the left of the existing concessions stand at Heritage Farm Park to raise money for Cheer. Rethemeyer explained that her company, Federal Stone, planned to donate an eight-by-seven-foot shed along with the pavers to place the building on. Even though the shed would have a solid floor, items would still be stored in Rubbermaid totes for extra protection. The shed would be open for sales at every home football game.

Currently the football team utilizes the food concession stand, a table at the entrance gate and another tent for fundraising during their games. They sell apparel, hats, and other items. Cheer offered to sell yard signs with the football team’s logo at their shed to help promote the team.

Cheer plans to sell apparel, cups, magnets, hand clackers, plushies, yard signs, and keychains with a ‘Cheer’ based theme. Rethemeyer was adamant that the items sold would not conflict with what the football team sells: "We don't want to compete with football but all of the away games we go to have spirit sheds to fundraise from," she said. "We spend just as much time on the field as football does."

The majority of the funds raised would be used to replace cheer uniforms and pom-poms. The uniforms they have now are several years old and are in desperate need of updating. Commissioner of the Cheer Board, Mallory Boram, explained how they can no longer order specific pieces from the supplier because the uniforms they have are so outdated: "Each year our program increases in size and interest and right now we are struggling with uniforms. We’ve had to turn girls away because we cannot supply them the uniform," she said.

Ennis asked if Cheer would be able to sell their items at basketball games as well. Boram said they would need to discuss that possibility with the school but for now their focus was on the football games.

Parks Commission Member Anna Newman asked if the football organizers were ok with the addition. Boram assured the Commission that they have been discussing the idea with the football organizers and assured them that Cheer has no desire to compete with their fundraising. GVAA president, Michelle Fyock chimed in saying that Football is not concerned with the fundraising aspect, but they are concerned with the addition of a permanent structure.

Commission members as well as Rethemeyer and Boram all pointed out that the shed could easily be moved because it is just set on pavers and not permanently installed in the ground. Rethemeyer explained that if they were to use a tent to sell from there would be no easy way to store the merchandise between games. A shed would allow them to efficiently sell and store their items.

Commissioner Liaison Mary Ann Brodie-Ennis showed her support of the idea, "I think cheerleading should have an opportunity since football already has a stand and that's a permanent structure. They should be able to have something there to support their program."

Cheer has a new board bringing fresh ideas to the table and new leadership, "We are really just trying to do our best for the program and our girls," Rethemeyer said.

The Parks Commission voted unanimously in favor of the project. Rethemeyer and Boram will continue discussing the idea with GVAA and Town Commissioners.

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