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Tips for Managing a High-Energy Dog

(7/18) Having a high-energy dog can be very rewarding, but also challenging if their needs for activity and stimulation are not properly met. Here are some tips to help manage a lively dog and provide a fulfilling lifestyle for both of you.

Provide Plenty of Exercise

Giving your energetic dog adequate exercise is crucial for expending their excess energy and preventing destructive behaviours. Aim for at least 60-90 minutes of exercise per day, including activities like:

  • Walks - Take longer walks, about an hour or more, at a brisk pace. Bring toys to play fetch as you walk to add extra activity. Use professional dog walkers such as a South Bristol dog walker if you lack the time to give your dog the amount of stimulating exercise it needs.
  • Runs - Running or jogging with your dog is a great workout. Adjust the distance and speed based on their fitness level.
  • Swimming - Swimming is an excellent non-impact exercise. Take your dog to swim in safe areas like ponds, lakes or the sea.
  • Play - Engage in active play like chasing games, tug-of-war and retrieving balls or frisbees. Make use of large, fenced areas.
  • Training - Incorporate training into exercise sessions by practising cues during walks or reward with play for successful commands.

Provide Interactive Toys

Keep your dog stimulated and challenged indoors by providing interactive puzzle toys and chews. Food-dispensing toys that require manipulation to access treats and kongs stuffed with treats or peanut butter can keep them positively occupied for hours. Rotate different toys to prevent boredom.

Train Impulse Control

Use training techniques to teach your energetic puppy or adult dog skills like "wait", "leave it", "settle" and "go to mat". Reinforce these cues often and reward calm behaviour. This develops their impulse control and ability to remain calm in exciting situations.

Give Plenty of Mental Stimulation

In addition to physical activity, high-energy dogs need mental stimulation to tire them out. Provide varied experiences through different walking routes, new sights and sounds, obedience or agility classes and meeting dog-friendly people. Let them sniff and explore safely on walks for mental enrichment. Give chew toys and food puzzles too.

Reinforce Calm Behaviours

When your energetic dog is settling down or relaxing of their own accord, reward them with calm praise, pets or treats. This reinforces the behaviour you want to see more often. It teaches them that chilling out is good. Capture and reward their calm moments frequently.

Provide Down Time

Make sure your active dog gets adequate rest between high-energy activities. Young dogs need about 18-20 hours of sleep per day. Adults do well with 12-14 hours. Crate training or confining them to calm areas can help enforce rest. Their zoomies will return soon enough!

Consult an Expert if Needed

For excessively hyper dogs that display frantic behaviour, seek advice from professional dog trainers or behaviourists. They can assess your dog and offer personalised management techniques to create a more peaceful home. Medical issues may also cause hyperactivity requiring veterinary attention.

With ample exercise, training, rest and mental enrichment, even the most high-octane dogs can learn to settle when needed. Stay patient and consistent applying these tips to maintain a happy balance with your lively canine companion. Proper management allows both of you to enjoy your time together.