September 2003
the month of September, temperatures will be
above average with Precipitation to be
Weather Watch:
Fair and warm (1), rainy and stormy
(2,3,4,5). Fair and very warm (6,7,8,9) with
showers (10,11,12). Again, fair and rather
warm weather (13,14,15,16,17) with more
showers (18,19). Returning to fair a warm
temperatures (20,21,22) but more showers and
STORMS (23,24). Fair and cooler (25,26,27)
with one more series of showers (28,29) and
ending the month with fair and mild weather
Tornado Watch:
September will have two periods of tornado
activity so watch out for tornados from the
2nd to the 5th and again on the 23rd and
Full Moon:
September's full moon is most famously known
as the Harvest Moon. It is the Full Moon
that falls closest to the Autumnal Equinox
at a time when the moon rises soon after
sunset on several successive days. According
to tradition, the extra light from the moon
during that period gave the farmer more time
in which to finish up his chores and bring
in the harvest. It is also known as Wort or
Elk Call Moon. The Full Moon closest to that
date occurs on the 10th of September at
4:35PM EDT and therefore, is the Harvest
Moon for 2004.
Special Notes:
We will never forget those who lost their
lives on 9/11 two years ago this month. For
the year 2004, the AUTUMNAL EQUINOX occurs
on September 23rd at 5:47AM and signals the
start of Autumn.
Labor Day in on the first Monday (1st) and
CITIZENSHIP DAY follows on Wednesday,
September 17th. ROSH HOSHANA begins on
Saturday, September 27th.
Fall is for Planting! Enjoy fall blooming
shrubs such as Encore Azaleas, Camellias,
Witch Hazel, Cotoneaster, Crape Myrtle,
Hibiscus, Holly, Honeysuckle and Pyracantha.
Bring back the color in your garden by
replanting a fall crop of annual flowers -
Geraniums, Petunias or Zinnias in the full
sun. Once temperatures really cool down,
replace your warm season annuals with
Pansies. Cool-season vegetable seeds and
seedlings can be planted, too. Try cabbage,
lettuce, beets, turnips, spinach, radishes,
collards and broccoli; be sure to water
thoroughly after planting.
J. Grubers' Thought
for Today's Living: "A man who won't admit
he's been wrong loves himself more then he
loves the truth"
of Past Month's Entries