Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


 March 2006

"Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares,
and take the winds of March with beauty"
William Shakespeare

For the month of march, temperatures will be average with Precipitation to be below average.

Weather Watch: Windy, cold, with periods of flurries (1,2,3,4). Fair and cool (5,6,7) with rain or snow (8,9). Fair and cool weather returns (10,11,12) with more rain and snow showers at times (13,14,15). Fair but windy (16,17,18,19,20) with snow or rain, stormy (21,22,23). Fair, windy and cold (24,25,26,27) ending the month with more rain or snow (28,29,30,31).

Tornado Watch: The Almanack sees no tornado activity in the month of March.

Full Moon: March's full moon, will occurs on the 14th at 6:35pm. Native Americans called it Worm Moon because march's warmer temperatures often softened the earth just enough to allow earthworms to begin burrowing out of the ground. It has also been called the sap moon because the sap would start to rise at this time throughout the region.

Special Notes: Vernal Equinox occurs on Saturday, March 18th and signals the arrival of Spring (at last! 'The Star-Spangled Banner' was officially named the national anthem of the United States on March 3rd, 1931. In 1932, New York radio station WABC broadcast a variety program from a moving train in Maryland.

Holidays: Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which falls on March 1st in 2006. Don't forget to wear something green to honor St. Patrick's Day on Friday, March 17th.!

The Garden: Get started early if the weather allows. As soon as your compost pile thaws, start to turn it with a fork as best you can. Begin pruning early-flowering shrubs, fruit trees, and roses. Be sure to feed
all well. Use supplementary nitrogen in early Spring, in addition to yearly feeding. Spray fruit trees with a dormant oil when temperatures exceed
40 degrees and before they leaf out.

J. Grubers' Thought for Today's Living:

"To be a good conversationalist, one must know when to stop talking and when to start listening"

Index of Past Month's Entries