(4/17) I. Demonstration
A. Flashlight– Do you know what this is and what it is for? It was designed for a specific purpose. I was at a church in Mississippi when a pastor asked some children what this flashlight is for and one of them said, it’s what my daddy uses to deer hunt with. I’m sure he meant to find his way in and out of the woods at dark.
B. Batteries and On/Off Switch – This flashlight, like a lot of our possessions, needs something to make it do what it was designed for. It needs these batteries AND it needs someone to turn the on switch on and operate it. Look what happens when we do that.
C. Holy Spirit and You – We are just like this flashlight that is incapable of doing what it was created for without the batteries and without someone turning the switch on and operating it. God created you special for a special purpose and to accomplish that purpose, He places His Holy Spirit in you when you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and
Lord, But, even though He is in you, He doesn’t make you do what you were created to do. He is counting on you to turn yourself on. How do you do that? You do that whenever you make a decision to obey God. When you hear of or see a need, or from your pastor, teacher, or from reading the Bible, you know what you are supposed to do and you say, "Yes, Lord," I will do that. It
is the same as turning this switch on. But if you leave the switch in the off position, you will just be a carrier of the Holy Spirit, but the energy of His power will remain dormant in you and you will not accomplish the purpose God created you for.
II. Definition – Review Ephesians 4:7-10
What does this have to do with Church and our lesson for today? A lot! God has a special purpose for putting a church together. It is the best way to invade death’s territory and bring life and hope to a lost world. Remember our definition of church? Church is a Special Unique Group of People Bonded Together by the Holy Spirit for the Purpose of
Ministering as Jesus Christ in This World. When people see the church as God intended, what they should see is Jesus. Years ago, the church I was at did a photo directory. In addition to the directory, the photography company gave our church a picture of Jesus, but if you looked closely it was a collage of everyone’s photos put together and lighted to look like Jesus. You and
I being different should look like Jesus when we are all working together, in the power of the Holy Spirit. That’s what Ephesians 4:16 says. Unless everyone is consciously obeying God and turning on the switch on and allowing the Holy Spirit to energize you to do what God created and re-created you for, the church will not be able to represent Jesus as He designed. Last week
we reminded you that God has uniquely given you your own grace gift. A grace gift, is the unique ability to minister grace to others. Every born again believer has their own unique way to grace the lives of others, like Jesus. The Holy Spirit is in you. You have a unique ability and gift to give grace to others, but you have to say, "Yes," and let the Holy Spirit energize you
like that little bunny in order to grace others for Jesus. However, what I have discovered is that many if not most American Christians approach Church, as God designed it, the same way they approach dinner.
Many want to approach the dinner table at home at 6 and eat and then leave to watch TV, rest, finish some chores or go out. Many don’t think about all that must be done to make a meal possible. Earning the money, thinking about the meals for the week or month, shopping on a budget, making sure all the utensils are clean and available, preparing the
food, setting the table, and then after the meal there has to be clean up, leftovers put away, dishes washed and dried and returned to their place in the cupboard and who does all of that. Often just one person. How much better it is when the whole family helps with the preparation, setting the table and, cleaning up afterwards. I am not much of a cook, but I don’t mind
cleaning up and putting things away. Well, Christians do the same thing. Many just want to show up at the table, be feed, have their needs met, and then leave to rest, watch TV, do some chores or go out while just a few people do all the preparations to try to make Church work. Is that you? You don’t really want to help with the meals, you just want to eat and relax. If so,
you may want to re-think being part of a church. Being the Church requires all of us to be working together in preparation and clean-up to accomplish what God has called us to do. God has gifted my wife with a talent to cook and she is fantastic. She is the reason I gained so much weight. God has gifted me to study and teach. I need to eat less and exercise more. So do you.
God has uniquely equipped you all- no exceptions- to help grace others. But maybe you don’t know what God has gifted you to do.
III. Discovery – (Watch Chronicles of Narnia scene 12, 1:08-1:12 mark)
So, how do I know what my Charisma or Dorea is? How can I discover what I am to do? I am going to give you 6-7 things that you need to think through carefully. Maybe use these for your quiet time this week. Take one a day and meditate on what God is saying to you. Let’s pause. Who knows what their gift or gifts are and how did you discover it?
IV. Dedication (Romans 12:1; 2 Cor. 5:14; 1 Cor. 6:19-20; Romans 6:11-13; Eph. 5:18).
Look at some of these scriptures. It basically says that because of what God has done for me in Christ, in that He died for me and rose again to give me so much hope, purpose, forgiveness and a future, I intentionally determine to live the remaining part of my life for Him. My hands, my feet, my ears, my mouth, and my life are His. I give myself as a
gift to God, dedicated to serving Him by serving others. It must begin here, class. I gave my life to Christ- Have you? I am not talking about asking for forgiveness, or believing in the cross and resurrection, those are a given. What I am talking about is as intentional as joining the military or getting married. "Here Lord, I give myself to you, tis all that I can do. At
the cross, at the cross…." You died for me - I will live for you! I will use my life to honor you by ministering for you in the power of your Holy Spirit in this world. It must begin here.
V. Delineation (1 Cor. 12; Rom. 12:6-16; 1 Pet. 4:10-11)
This just means that you should study these scriptures to familiarize yourself with the various ways we can minister God’s grace to others. Look especially at Romans 12, and 1 Peter 4. The Holy Spirit may have given you more than one, but he hasn’t given them all to you. He definitely hasn’t given them all to me. But He has given you at least one and
maybe several. BTW, not being particularly gifted in an area doesn’t release us from not doing that area! That doesn’t mean that He doesn’t expect you to love and be hospitable or to give or have faith, it just means it is not as easy for everyone. These lists are samplings of how our Lord wants us to be love one another. Your gift may a blending of several of these. That
brings us to:
VI. Duty (Romans 12:6-16; 1 Peter 4:10-11)
Often God leads us to knowing what we are to do as we make ourselves available to do whatever needs to be done. Philip started serving widows in the church in Jerusalem and became a missionary Church planting evangelist in Samaria. Paul began as a street evangelist, then an associate Pastor to Barnabas and then a Church planting missionary. Justin
started working with AWANA, became a youth pastor, then a youth leader with state wide influence and now a missionary with a worldwide youth impact. I will begin with what needs to be done in my church or community and see where and how God leads me. Listen, sometimes a need just naturally brings out your Charisma. Bill Gothard gave an illustration once similar to this.
Example-Suppose we were all guests in a home for Thanksgiving-As our host is bringing the Turkey to the Table she trips over the dog. The turkey goes flying and the table is destroyed, the host is on the floor and dinner is completely ruined. What would you do? Following the list in Romans 12:
• The Prophet will point out the problem and how it must be corrected to avoid this in the future and to have restoration to the home. The dog can not be in the house on Thanksgiving Day.
• The Servant quickly grabs paper towels and begins to clean up the mess.
• The Teacher helps the host to understand why the turkey flew and what she can learn from this situation
• The Encourager reminds the host that it isn’t as bad as it could be, everyone is safe, and some of the plates and glasses didn’t break and the turkey landed on a clean napkin. We’ll get through this together and it’ll all work out because God is working all things together for Good.
• The Giver is already on the phone calling Bob Evans and ordering a complete meal.
• The Administrator is organizing the clean-up and how to seat everyone when the Giver gets back from Bob Evans.
• The Mercy-Giver hasn’t stopped hugging the host and even cried with her until the clean-up is over and the new meal from Bob Evans is consumed.
• Which one were you? Would you have simply made yourself available to the administrator for whatever? Or, would you have left the room to watch football and waited for Bob Evans while others cleaned up?
VII. Desire (Phil 2:12-13; Ex.36:1-7)
This is where the thought process really comes in. Knowing you are given Charisma, what would you like to do? Look at Exodus 36:1-2. God put in the hearts of these people to do what needed to be done. That is what He does today. Look at Philippians 2:12-13. Turn your, ‘On,’ switch on to what God has put in your heart. "God is working in you both to
will…." I really believe God wants me to…. Or, if I could, I really would like to…. How would you finish that? What would you do? What people? Where? Suppose that money was no object? Suppose the training was no object, what would you do? God, who calls you to do it, will make a way for you to do it. That is what the verse says, but not if you don’t turn the switch on.
VIII. Delight (John 15:7-11)
What ministry brings you delight or where do you feel God’s pleasure? 35 years ago the award winning movie called Chariots of Fire was out. It was based on the real life of Scottish Olympian and Missionary Eric Liddell. One scene showed him being criticized by his sister for running instead of thinking about missions and he replied, "When I run I feel
God’s pleasure." When I put a good lesson together I feel God’s pleasure. When I read scriptures and pray with the dying, I feel God’s pleasure. When I give hope to an inmate, I feel God’s pleasure. When I encourage another pastor I feel God’s pleasure. This joy is the inner delight of my heart knowing I have obeyed God; I am using my Charisma. Jesus said, I want you to bear
fruit because I want you to know my joy. It is a joy that comes from loving each other as I have loved you (John 15). It delighted the heart of God to minister to these guys and it will delight your heart as you do the same.
IX. Discernment by Others (Acts 11:25-26)
What do others see in you? What has someone said, "I think you would be great at…, or, I believe God wants you to…." Our Lord saw potential in 12 rough men. Barnabas saw the teacher in Saul of Tarsus. Paul saw pastor’s hearts in Timothy and Titus. Barnabas saw potential in John Mark, even when he quit and Paul didn’t trust him. Ask your parents, your
peers, your partner, or your pastor, "What can you see me doing for God and others?
X. Development (Phil. 2:12; 1 Tim. 4:7-8)
Don’t give up if you fail or flop once in a while. It will happen. God always intends, even in your failures, that you fail forward. God has placed His Spirit in you for forever. His gifts and calling are irrevocable (Romans 11:29). Do not neglect them. Just like your muscles, the more you exercise them the stronger they become. Paul says exercise
them, work out your salvation. And listen closely, there is no such thing as too old, or retirement in God’s vocabulary. If you don’t connect and use your Charisma you are simply disobeying and dishonoring the one who gave His all for you, regardless of your age.
XI. Denial – Disobedience (Ex. 3-4; Jer. 1;)
There are some of you that are not listening. There are some that are saying, "Someone else needs to hear this, I hope they are listening." (If Someone Else can). But you are forming reasons why this doesn’t apply to you. God will let you be exempt from this. Here is what you thinking:
• I am too young – But cp. Jer. 1
• I am too old – cp. Luke 1, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Caleb
• I am a failure. (John 21 Peter)
• I have no ability – cp. Acts 4:13; 1:8
• I have disability (Ex. 3-4)
• I have done my share – no retirement in scripture
• I am too busy with life (Matt. 11:28-30 My yoke)
• I don’t want to be hurt or disappointed (Luke 9, a Cross)
• I don’t want to commit my time (Matt. 16: deny self)
• Fear – I’ll be expected to do everything and I won’t be fed and I will not like what I am doing – Just do 1 thing, but do it well.
• I will later when …. (Luke 9:57-62)
Only One Life that will soon be past-Only what is done for Christ will last.
XII. Decoration and Designation (2 Cor. 5:9-10)
My Brothers and sisters, I am not preaching this to dampen your day, but to encourage you and help you see the purpose and potential for which you were created, and redeemed. You are special to God, very special. Knowing your personality and your potential, He has chosen to live in you to do incredible stuff. But you must turn the switch on. The day is
approaching when He is going to have a time of accounting for what you have done with your Charisma and your time. You will stand before Him, or perhaps kneel. There could be great joy as you hear, "Well done, my good and faithful servant, here is your crown, your robe, and the results of your obedience." The saints and angels in heaven erupt in applause for your
faithfulness. But, what if there is no commendation, no decorations, and no designated results of using your Charisma, no Crown, no Royal Robe, and no applause, nothing to report for the grace you were given to share? A place in Heaven, yes, but the honor of your King, No.
That’s why Paul says, "We make it our aim, whether present or absent to be well pleasing." I want my King to be honored and I will live for Him who died for me. I will minister in the power of the Holy Spirit as Jesus in this world. I will use and not waste the Charisma he has given me. Amen? Amen! Let’s get out there and give’em heaven.
Read other thoughtful writings by Pastor Gary Buchman