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Scam/Predatory Lending Companies

And the companies that enable them

If you got to this page via Google, the name or phone number you searched for is part of a one scam/predatory lending company - Capital Gurus - - who has multiple domain names web phone numbers and phone numbers on this list!


OK, it seems this page is getting some traction, and I'm starting to get e-mails from others who have suffered through all the unsolicited spam e-mails and phone calls. 

One sleuth was able to nail down the source of all of it - Capital Gurus -

I was able to talk to someone at Capital Gurus, who said he was unaware of any association with those on my list or the spam e-mails, but when I told the guy I ran the Emmitsburg News-Journal, he immediately asked if I meant the 'Emmitsburg Vet Hospital' which is where the funding solutions were addressed to - although via my e-mail ... He would not have known that had they not been the source of the e-mails and the calls.

On Capital Guru's website, they do have an option to 'partner' with them --- wanna bet they don't police their partners? So all the websites below are their partners.

On their website, Capital Guru tells their partners they will give them access to their e-mails and phone lists, so they will have instant access to thousands of leads ..

Of course, when I sent a note to Capital Gurus customer Service e-mail address - it bounced... 

Needless to say, stay away from Capital Guru and their partners ...


I've been dealing with a Capital Guru partner company called Fast Finance - who has been spamming me (see their spam e-mail below). I repeatedly asked them to take me off their mailing list, but they refused to take me off their list.

I finally had to contact their domain name provider who was kind enough to analysis their e-mail, and they pointed me to a company called, a company based in Finland, where the e-mails were coming, and Sender took me off the mailing list.

I no sooner got off their mailing list, then the spamming company - whose name I'm yet to figure out - put my telephone number into a robo-calling program and I've been getting up to a calls a day, all showing a different phone number, but all going to the same number.  I'm now working with Verizon and the FCC to stop these call.

If you look at any of their websites, most will have some sort of the following text -"XXXX was founded in 2014 – in XXXX. We’ve helped more than 3,800 businesses thrive and prosper with access to fast and easy capital, with over $2 billion in funding amount."

Each of the websites have the same 'Privacy Page' and the tell here is each has the same first word missing the same first letter - and they all have the same text - with the same misspellings throughout. They also all use the same 'recommendation for a satisfied customer on their homepage, just with different names created to it.

What is fascinating is if you read their fine print on their websites, they  require you to give them access to your bank account, including your passwords, your social security number, &c, and they tell you "THEY WILL SELL it!"

The also list that they have 'A' rating with the Better Business Bureau, however the Better Business Bureau has never heard of them. Which is par for the course for this scumbag company.

So far we've been able to identify the following multiple names this company is going by - and we just stated.  They are all the same scam company!

Note, several of these companies seem to be pulling their information from  We'll follow-up up on that. Genesis Bank Group is hosted by  We've reached out to them to find out what they know about this company.

It seems a vast majority of the domain names are provided by  When we reached out to them to see if they are aware that this company is committing fraud and violating U.S. laws, they basically came back to us - 'not our problem.'  So I think it fair to say is enabling this on-going scam just to make a few bucks.

We are receiving multiple calls a day for these scumbags ... while the numbers they use always change, when you call back, they all go to the same call center.  If you try to call them to get your number off their list, all they do is block your number so you can't call them!  A search of Google will find multiple post form people reporting this.

That said, since they are using valid phone numbers, you can always block them. The 'Call Filter' app from Verizon does a pretty good of blocking calls from flagged  numbers as you can see by the frequency of new calls below, from every reaching my phone -  so my life is getting back to normal. All I have to do every night is add in the numbers not on the current list.

The phone numbers they use to bypass FCC's call blocking include:


  • 725-266-8603
  • 915-268-1696





7/31 calls

Prior to 7/30


For what it is worth, here is the text of an e-mail that I got for months ...

From: Brady Barnes <>
Subject: Line of Credit: Emmitsburg Veterinary Hospital - Approval #AH58
Date: July 26, 2024 1:33:59 PM EDT

We are pleased to inform you that Emmitsburg Veterinary Hospital has been approved for an unsecured line of credit in the amount of $410,000.

Key Features of Your Approval:

Interest Rate: 8 percent

Unsecured Line of Credit: No UCC filing required, no personal guarantee needed.

No Activation Fees: You can activate your line of credit without any fees and choose not to use it until necessary, ensuring flexibility for your business.

How to Proceed:

To take advantage of this offer, please use Activation Code CFL-89712 when you call me at (520) 729-4220 or click the link below to review all options for Emmitsburg Veterinary Hospital.

Explore Options and Complete Identity Form

Best regards,

Brady Barnes | Chief Credit Officer

Phone: (520) 729-4220


664 Christi Lock,

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